Product Name : AL-510
Product Description

A good value reader in the industry, a fixed RFID UHF Reader with built-in operation data collection function and integrated with the cloud. It is a RAIN RFID Reader with built-in Compact Edition Middleware that can customize information collection (TID, EPC, etc.), designated cloud service location, etc., does not need to integrate through PC or workstation. In addition, the RFID reader also provides a wifi wireless communication interface, which reduces the cost of cable construction and maintenance. The AL-510 fixed RFID reader also supports up to 32 antennas and is equipped with different types of antennas, it can be applied in parking lots, production conveyor lines, factories, and forklifts.

AL-510 Quick User Manual DOWNLOAD
AL-510 Datasheet DOWNLOAD
AL-510 Utility User Manual DOWNLOAD

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